Among the novelties of 2024, we are pleased to announce a beginning of a new cycle of events at the gallery: ‘A Fancy Evening Affair’.They will consist of small presentations that will not only exhibit the work of guest artists but also give attendees the opportunity to meet the artist.
And now she’s bringing us the third one! Titled “Beachin,” this exhibition captures the essence of everyday life by showcasing tranquil summer days spent at the beach over recent years.
Neda is hopeless day dreamer, the emotional type, a melancholic seeker for aesthetics, beauty and art…For a person as I am, in order to survive what this “normal“ life brings.. I had to build my own utopia to get away from everyday absurd.
I often like to play with materials and incorporate different levels of texture. The final result are small scale, minimal compositions with a limited color palette of neutral and/or light blue tones.
Investing in emerging artists *** Francesca Brivio Olga Pako Marija Anicic Investing in art brings together two pursuits close to any human on Earth, the pursuit of pleasure and the pursuit of security. Investing in art, whether it is a single painting or a whole portfolio of artwork, is a truly unique form of investment, …
FEMALE DIVINITY In the following days Pioneri will celebrate the Female Divinity through the works of female artists that express the grace, elegance, infinity, regenerating power, freedom, and the impetus of femininity. #divinefeminine Olga Pako, a naive painter that paints melancholic portraits that effortlessly convey the sincerest inner emotions of the female subject, while …
NFTs *** Simon Kalajdziev Glitch Art The abbreviation NFTs that stands for non-fungible tokens has become frequently used in the last couple of years within the art world and art markets. But what are NFTs? According to a Forbes article What Is An NFT? Non-Fungible Tokens Explained, written by Robyn Conti and John Schmidt “An …
FIRST MONTH SELECTION OF ILLUSTRATORS AND PRINTMAKERS As we slowly roll into sunnier and longer days, get to know our top digital artists for this month: Ana Trajkovska creates through exploration and experimentation in the field of graphics, pochoir technique, attempting and succeeding in discovering new paths of visual communication. Jelena Dejanovic @whispering is weaving …
Ana Jovanovska *** Ana Jovanovska Ana Jovanovska Ana Jovanovska Ana Jovanovska is interested in combining the word and the image and exploring or depicting themes that have a social element and impact, presenting it through art that mirrors back the reality of today’s society. She explores how perspectives work with human conditioning starting from the …
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